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Our Name Portrays Its Promise…

Putting good ideas to work and making them pay is what created the field you’re in, but the field you’re in is continually changing.
By every barometer, the rate of change of the global competitive environment has outstripped adaptation to it. Stability and replication suffice only until a variation or anomaly proves to be a novel, useful improvement - an innovation - of greater attraction and benefit.
Innovation Artistry is both process and product; it is a continuous practice of creative transformation.
‘Artistry’ as an adverb denotes active engagement in the process of creating something that didn’t previously exist. ‘Artistry’ as a noun denotes the tangible product of that process. Process and product impel one another in a continuous cycle of thesis, antithesis and synthesis: innovation.  

Performing artists leverage the tempo of the creative cycle. Innovators must do the same.
Alan Kay stated: “The best way to predict the future is to create it." Innovators create; competitors adapt.
Innovation that merely adapts to the rate of change of a creative milieu is evolutionary, the minimum necessary to survive. Innovation that controls the rate of change is revolutionary and dominates whose ideas, artwork, products and services compete and whose fall away.
Adept at ‘adopt and adapt’.
Principal players (executive leaders) are continually poised – adept - at creating and adopting innovative transformation as a strategic advantage. They champion adopting a pervasive innovative ethos at every level of their organization as the only viable strategic adaptation to the accelerating rate of change in the global competitive environment.
Poise. Mastery. Leadership. Innovation. Artistry.